The CEO further shared that there are 2,633 Jan Aushadhi centers operating in Uttar Pradesh, with 62 centers functioning in Prayagraj. Across the country, more than 15,000 centers have been opened under the Jan Aushadhi Scheme, with a target of opening 25,000 centers inspired by the vision of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. This year, the target for the sale of medicines through these centers is Rs. 2,000 crores, of which over Rs. 1,500 crores has already been achieved. He explained the process for Mahakumbh devotees to find the nearest Jan Aushadhi center through a pin-code based system and informed them about the availability of affordable medicines. During the event, Shri Dadhich also answered questions from media representatives and expressed gratitude to the media for supporting the Jan Aushadhi Scheme.
Source (PIB)