MARCH 8:As part of celebration of 75th Anniversary of NSS, commemorating its transformative role in shaping India’s evidence-based policy making, an awareness campaign was organized by National Statistics Office (Field Operations Division), Govt. of India, Regional Office, Sambalpur at the 20th Annual Conference of Indian Association for Social Science and Health (IASSH) organized by Sambalpur University at Biju Patnaik Auditorium.The campaign was organized on 05.03.2025 and 06.03.2025. Publicity materials were displayed and distributed among the 250 nos. of participants of the conference.
A plenary sessionwas conducted by NSO(FOD) RO, Sambalpur on the theme “Data for Development” on 06.03.2025. The session was chaired by Prof R. Nagarajan, IIPS Mumbai & Prof. Pradeep Kumar Panda from AIPH University, Bhubaneswar was the co-chair. Sh. Rahul Kumar Patel, Deputy Director & Regional Head, NSO(FOD) RO Sambalpur was the speaker. Importance of NSS data for policy formulation and decision making for the development and nation building were highlighted. A documentary about evolution of NSS during the last 75 years was also displayed. Information onrecently completed as well as ongoing surveys such as Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS), Household consumption Expenditure Survey (HCES), Annual Survey of Unorganized Sector Enterprise (ASUSE), Annual Survey of Industries (ASI), Socio-economic survey 80thround (Health & Telecom), Pilot study on Annual Survey of Service Sector Enterprises (ASSSE), Price Collection, Forward Looking Survey on Private Corporate Sector Capex Investment Intentions etc.,wasshared with the participants.As the participants were mostly the post-graduate students, researchers, academicians etc., hence process to access the unit level data of various surveys under NSO was also explained for the benefit of the participants.
Prof. R. Nagarajan and Prof. Pradeep Kumar Panda congratulated NSS for completing 75 years of successful data collection, dissemination and also stressed the importance of NSS data and how it has helped Govt, researchers, policy makers in decision making, economic growth and resource allocation.
Shri S.C.Bhoi, SSO, Shri K.Padhan, SSO, Shri J.K.Singh, JSO, Shri P.Panigrahi, SS, Shri Balaram Behera, SE and Shri R.K.Mohanty, ASS of NSO (FOD), RO, Sambalpur were also present on the occasion.